January 9, 2022

2022 - 2019 $200,000 Awarded to Dixie Education Foundation

This is (TAP) Tuition Assistance Program providing funds for post-secondary Career Technical Education (CTE). Special recognition to this company from our group of heartfelt directors and members of the Dixie Education Foundation...A special thanks to Bump Faircloth an avid supporter of the youth in Dixie County..... our hero and dedicated person!!!!

Dixie Education Foundation has been awarded $50,000/year for the past 4 years to support a career program for the youth in Dixie County.

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This website is currently under renovation to ensure accessibility by any disabled individual. If anyone encounters an inaccessible feature on this website, please contact Holly Houghton, Dixie Education Foundation, at (352) 498-1238 or Email Holly, to advise what inaccessible feature was encountered, and to allow the Foundation to provide the desired information through alternative means, until such time as the website renovation is complete.​

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